Du solltest nicht die "status" URL verwenden, sondern den "status" CLI
Befehl, über jsonrpc.js:

    % curl -sX POST -d '{"id":0,"params":["00:04:20:....",["status", 0, 0, 
  "params": [
  "method": "slim.request",
  "id": 0,
  "result": {
  "current_title": "6. Up the Downstair (Nag's Head 4/12/93)",
  "playlist_timestamp": 1669191195.02167,
  "seq_no": 0,
  "playlist repeat": 0,
  "playlist_cur_index": 5,
  "remoteMeta": {
  "id": "-145110120",
  "title": "Up the Downstair (Nag's Head 4/12/93)",
  "artist": "First live performance 4th Dec 1993 - Porcupine Tree",
  "signalstrength": 100,
  "remote": 1,
  "mixer volume": 48,
  "playlist shuffle": 0,
  "playlist mode": "off",
  "power": 1,
  "player_name": "Eckempfänger",
  "library_id": "6933cdf1",
  "digital_volume_control": 1,
  "mode": "stop",
  "time": 0,
  "player_ip": "",
  "player_connected": 1,
  "duration": 642.0113125,
  "rate": 1,
  "can_seek": 1,
  "playlist_tracks": 8

(Die Metadaten im Bandcamp Plugin sind etwas sonderbar...)

Wie du siehst kriegst du Titel/Album/Interpret. Mit dem "tags" Parameter
hast du mehr Kontrolle. Weitere Infos findest du in der CLI
Dokumentation. Verwendest du statt "0, 0" so was wie "0, 100", so
kriegst du die Metadaten für bis zu 100 Titel in der Warteschlange.


"It doesn't work - what shall I do?" - "Please check your server.log
and/or scanner.log file!"
(LMS: Settings/Information)
mherger's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=50
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=117120

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