Felix Meschberger wrote:
> Hi all,
> Currently the ResourceResolver.resolve(ServletRequest request) method
> throws a ResourceNotFoundException if the request cannot be resolved to
> a resource. This makes it virtually impossible to easily and
> transparently handle requests for resource creation.
> This in fact is also an overseen difference between microsling and
> Sling: microsling is built around accepting missing resources while
> Sling throws 404 unconditionally if a request cannot be resolved to a
> resource. This prevents applications trying to create resources.
> As a fix I propose the introduction of a new special resource type
> "sling:nonexisting", which is to be used by the ResourceResolver.resolve
> method to create a pseudo-Resource from the request path (rawData and
> object are both null). This may then be used to create the resource,
> such as in the DefaultSlingServlet. (The nice thing about the
> sling:nonexisting resource type is, that of course scripts may be
> created to handle respective methods for these types).
> Consquences in the API: The methods of the ResourceResolver and
> ResourceManager interfaces throwing a ResourceNotFoundException are
> modified to return null if a Resource cannot be found (except the
> resolve method which always returns a Resource instance, with the
> sling:nonexisting resource type in the case of nonexisting resources).
> And of course the ResourceNodeFoundException is dropped as it is not
> needed any more.
> I will modify the API to reflect this proposal.
> WDYT ?
+1 :)


Carsten Ziegeler

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