
On Jan 5, 2008 6:16 PM, Lars Trieloff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...I needed some time to catch up, but this concept looks very good to
> me. With this virtual resource tree and full equivalence of servlets/
> filters/services and their scripted equivalents, we are on a good path
> to a consistent framework....

I agree with Lars, yet I don't think Felix's proposal justifies making
"Everything is a Resource" a basic concept of Sling.

I like the idea of using the ResourceResolver and Resource interfaces
to locate Servlets, Scripts and Filters as well as "content"
Resources, but from the Sling user's point of view this is not very
important - IMHO that's mainly an implementation detail.

>From a documentation point of view, I would explain the Resource and
ResourceResolver from a "content" point of view only, and then say "oh
by the way, these interfaces are also used to locate the Servlets,
Scripts and Filters used in the request processing cycle".

That's not much different from Felix's proposal, but the emphasis is
on using the Resource interface to handle pieces of content - using it
for Servlets, Scripts and Filters as well is very nice from an
implementation point of view, but we shouldn't confuse users with
that, IMHO.

Hope I'm getting my point across - reading [1] with my "Joe User" hat
on makes Sling appear much more like rocket science than it really is,
I'd like us to better separate the "user" and "core developer"
concerns in our "marketing" message.


[1] http://cwiki.apache.org/SLING/everything-is-a-resource.html

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