> #1 - i want all the properties of a node in one response
> #2 - i want all the childnodes of a node and their properties in one response
> #3 - i want all the childnodes and properties at an infinite or
> arbitrary level in
> one response
> i would argue that #1 & #2 make up 90% of all the requests.
> #1 & #2 are not a big deal with respect to serverside caching since
> they are usually very cheap.
> so i would argue that with respect to caching we should probably take
> care of the expensive #3...
> personally, with ujax in mind, i certainly would argue that the default
> behavior is important for a method like ujax.getContent("/mynode")
> should be to just get the proprties of a node in a shallow manner.
> which to me hints that this should probably also be the the default
> behaviour of "/mynode.json" (== "/mynode.0.json").
> to align with the webdav propfind "Depth" header i would recommend to go with
> "/mynode.infinity.json"

you probably right. the 0.5 case might not be relevant. since even for
browsing, you may need to node type of a child node. e.g. for drawing
the correct icon. so i suggest to have:

/mynode.0.json -> returns the node and its properties
/mynode.1.json -> returns the node, it properties and the child nodes
and their properties
/mynode.infinity.json -> returns the entire subtree.

and i suggest to treat the '0' case as default.

regards, toby
-----------------------------------------< [EMAIL PROTECTED] >---
Tobias Bocanegra, Day Management AG, Barfuesserplatz 6, CH - 4001 Basel
T +41 61 226 98 98, F +41 61 226 98 97
-----------------------------------------------< http://www.day.com >---

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