I don't feel I have the graphics expertise to comment, although, I cannot help myself from doing so ;-). For reasons that I cannot rightly explain, except to say simplicity perhaps, I like the third treatment with the sling pill thingy next to it. The Green box ones are cool, sort of like one of those long skinny rubicks things that where popular in the 80s.


On Jan 13, 2008, at 11:54 PM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

Hi Paul,

Thanks very much for your proposals!

Notes on http://bitliquid.com/private/sling.jpg (please use a
different filename if you create new variants, so that we know which
is which):

On the first variant, the stylized feathers looks a bit like bananas to me ;-)
And anyway, to answer your question, I think we have to use the
"official" feather in the design.

My favorite variant is the second one, where you improve on the
existing logo. I like the left one with the turquoise color, although
it needs "something" to separate the S from the top line better, IMHO.
It has kind of a vintage look that I like very much.

...(my personal favourite is the bottom set...

The green translucent shape is very nice, but IMHO this logo has much
less "unity" that the second variant - it looks to me as an assembly
of things instead of one thing.

Note that we now write microsling as "µsling" with a greek mu letter.

Let's hear what others think (and let's hope we don't get 6 different
opinions from 5 people ;-)


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