Thanks for you links. I must admit to being even more disoriented than that,
I'm afraid :)
I'm currently focusing on how to on either side convert the generated json
that describes a hierarchy of JCR nodes to be truly 'json' compliant, so
that I can just plug it in the Dojo Tree in bunkai.

But I haven't so much experience with specifics yet, so I know what it means
to have a Sling with or without Launchpad - i.e. what specific features does
it give.

I did manage to checj out and build Sling alst night, and after a while
realized that the faulty json stuff is probably due to the fact that
javax.jcr.Property does not return tru when a property isMultiple(). Or has
the wrong ideas of what is multiple. That means that arrays never get
generates, but instead all herarchical json objects are just objects within
objects (which I prefer myself as well, but for some reason isn't

But jcr isn't (of course) included in Sling only tha API jar, so now I have
to maybe checkout jcr as well and deal with those issues.

So, what I've done instead is gone back to the client side and try to cram
more regexp mojo, so that I can transalte it nearer to home. We'll see how
it goes.


On Jan 21, 2008 9:51 PM, Bertrand Delacretaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Jan 21, 2008 6:14 PM, Peter Svensson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ...Hmm. I should know by now what Launchpad does, but am I right in
> assuming
> > that that means that esp parsing while be disabled as well?...
> Not sure what you mean - the Launchpad works very similarly to
> microsling-core, but instead of being based on distinct code, it runs
> on the core Sling code.
> It is not finished, quite a few tests under [1] are disabled (search
> for TODO_FAILS_ in code for more details). So microsling-core is
> probably less risky to experiment with now, until [2] is marked
> resolved.
> -Bertrand
> [1]
> [2]

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