On Jan 29, 2008 3:16 PM, Gert Vanthienen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ...I ran
> into a problem when executing the 'curl ...' command to add a first node
> of content:
> Method POST not supported (405)...

When running this?

curl -F"sling:resourceType=foo/bar" -F"title=some title"
http://admin:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:8080/content/mynode

As the Sling modules start asynchronously, what might happen is that
they're not ready yet. But startup shouldn't take more than a few
seconds on a decent system.

If retrying doesn't help, have a look at the log created under
launchpad-webapp/target/logs/error.log, and if any errors are
reported. I've just added the info about that log file to the wiki


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