And I think we should release the felix configadmin 1.0.1 before. I can take care of that tomorrow.


Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Felix Meschberger wrote:
Hi all,

I am trying to head at a first Sling release now, so I am starting to
look at our dependencies to ensure, we don't have any external SNAPSHOT
dependencies. In a second mail, I will wrap up JIRA issues which are
currently still open to select the issues, we deem required to be fixed
before a release.

First let's see the SNAPSHOT dependencies:

       - vote for 1.0.4 release under way, so this will be resolved

       - Unreleased wrapping provided by Apache Felix

       - Required for fixes to JCR-1406 and JCR-1454
       - I will try to get a 1.4.1 release with backported fixes

       - library is itself an OSGi Bundle
       - I will try to get a 1.4.1 release with backported fix

Unless I missed a dependency, we are very close to be SNAPSHOT
dependency free. I will try to get the above mentioned releases from the
Jackrabbit project.

Carsten, do you know anything about the an imminent release of the
Jakarta Commons Collections library as an OSGi bundle ?
Yes or .. no :) There is a release of lang upcomming in the near future, but a new release of collections is not visible atm.

Am I missing something ?
What about the ujax renaming David suggested recently? I think this is something we should do before a first release. (it shouldn't be that hard).

The scheduler bundle requires commons beanutils and digester (and perhaps one more). I'm planning to include these into the bundle today.


Carsten Ziegeler

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