
I am planning to add support for additional content types to the SlingPostServlet that would allow processing Web Forms 2.0, JSON (allowing an effective-round-tripping from Sling.js), XML (in JCR document notation), ATOM (in terms of the Atom publishing protocol). To do this I would like to propose a small API change: extracting a ResponseBuilder interface from our current HtmlResponse and renaming HtmlResponse subsequently to HtmlResponseBuilder. This would allow us to create a doPost method that would start like this (I think we should OSGi-ify this later to make content type handling pluggable)

protected void doPost(SlingHttpServletRequest request,
            SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {

        log.info("content-type: " + request.getContentType());
        String responseType;
//try to determine the request content type and set the response accordingly. Ordinary //web forms (multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form- urlencoded) are getting HTML
if (request.getContentType().equals("application/x-www-form +xml")) {
                responseType = "application/x-www-form+xml";
                //TODO: handle Web Forms 2.0 POST
} else if (request.getContentType().equals("application/json")|| request.getContentType().equals("text/x-json")) {
                responseType = "application/json";
                //TODO: handle JSON POST
        } else if (request.getContentType().equals("text/xml")) {
                responseType = "text/xml";
                //TODO: handle XML POST
} else if (request.getContentType().equals("application/atom +xml")) {
                responseType = "application/atom+xml";
                //TODO: handle Atom POST
        } else {
                responseType = "text/html";
        //check for user-specified override of response type
if (request.getHeader("Accept")! =null&&request.getHeader("Accept").length()!=0) {
                responseType = request.getHeader("Accept");
        ResponseBuilder responseBuilder;
        if (responseType.equals("application/json")) {
                responseBuilder = new JsonResponseBuilder();
        } else if (responseType.equals("application/x-www-form+xml")) {
                responseBuilder = new WebForms20ResponseBuilder();
        } else if (responseType.equals("text/xml")) {
                responseBuilder = new XmlResponseBuilder();
        } else if (responseType.equals("application/atom+xml")) {
                responseBuilder = new AppResponseBuilder();
        } else {
                responseBuilder = new HtmlResponseBuilder();

the general idea is not to break the current API, so that HtmlResponse stays the default, but that users sending a JSON request will get a JSON response, unless they explicitly request a different responseType using the Accept header.

If this sounds good to you, I would go on by writing the Web Forms 2.0 part first and submitting a patch (on Youtube) including the proposed API changes.



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