Vidar Ramdal wrote:
Continuing the discussion from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Vidar S. Ramdal wrote:
Is there a way to register a URL handler for bundle?
Karl Pauls wrote:
Yes there is (however there are a few corner cases I'm working on atm
where it isn't). URLHandlers should be enabled by default - could you
post your conf/ and describe your setting a bit more?
Alternatively, make sure that felix.service.urlhandlers is not set to
false in your config.
2008/7/7 Carsten Ziegeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
We turn of the urlhandlers by default in Sling - you can enable them
in the file.
OK, is that safe? I guess there's a reason for disabling URL handlers
in Sling, so are there any side effects by enabling them?
The reason for disabling was
which is fixed in the 1.0.4 release of the felix framework. So I guess
this is safe now. I'll change the default of this property and we'll see
if this creates problems.
Carsten Ziegeler