I'm trying to use sling with a different repository than the default one, which is proving a bit of a challenge. Since we distribute the repository.xml file within the webapp itself, we cannot configure the repository using standard model 2 configuration with jndi Resource and ResourceParam, since it only allows repository.xml to be read from disk.

If I try to set up and register a repository in jndi I get an exception

javax.naming.NamingException: Context is read only

The normal RegistryHelper.registerRepository() method in jackrabbit gives the same result. It appears that adding stuff to the jndi configuration runtime is not allowed per J2EE spec.

Does anyone know any workaround for this? It seems that using Sling with a non-standard repository is only available over RMI unless the repository is configured with a repository.xml file living in the file system.

Torgeir Veimo

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