David Nuescheler wrote:
for known resources this is the case... and everybody is welcome to do
Sure; in *that* case of course PUT is right...
...and of course that works aswell ;)

except for that it is a pain to impossible to get a browser to do that.
think of file uploads for example...

But those are constrained to a specific content type, right? So I assume the POST handler takea care of that as well?

also there is a quite a bit of infrastructure around that strips custom
headers and disallows methods beyond GET and POST. ...but
i am sure that we are all aware of that ;)

Being able to use PUT would be the answer, but browsers don't do that.
Browsers do with XHR; is this required to work with forms? (as you can guess
from that question, I'm a total newbie wrt Sling).
well, as long as you are not dealing with binaries ;)
also the semantics of PUT do not reflect the PATCH style updates.

Aha, so we need PATCH :-)

anyway, in hind-sight the /xyz/* for the POST is probably not ideal
and in my mind should
be deprecated in favour of /xyz/ with a trailing slash.
Yep. That would align it with how adding to collections works in AtomPub.

BR, Julian

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