
I just see, that I owe you an answer to this. Sorry for the delay.

Bertrand Delacretaz schrieb:
> Hi Felix,
> On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 8:25 AM, Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ...I have prepared an implementation for the StreamRendering for the
>> DefaultGetServlet now, which is slightly different to the proposal:...
> +1 to the suggested changes.
>> ... Default is index.files=["index","index.html"] and index=true...
> Should there be a default extension as well, for when Sling redirect
> to .../index ?

Yes, if the index file has no extension ".html" is appended by Sling
before including the index file. This is hardcoded.

> IIRC the current default extension in Sling is .txt, but I assume in
> this case we want html as the default. Maybe html should be the
> default everywhere.

Agreed, this is why the automated directory listing just sends HTML. The
previous "defaul" was caused by the fact, that the StreamRendererServlet
handling requests without extension extended from the
PlainTextRendererServlet and called its doGet method if the resource
does not adapt to an InputStream. It should probably have had to extend
from HtmlRendererServlet in the first place.

But this is past ;-)


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