Hi Torgeir,

Torgeir Veimo schrieb:
> What is the easiest way to add new node type definitions to a running
> sling instance? Would be handy if it could be done with a suitable curl
> command.

Node Type definitions is one of the problems, for which we have no good
solution at the moment, mainly because in JCR 1.0 there is no proper API

What we have is support to load node type definitions from CND files
contained in bundles. This mechanism uses the
NodeTypeLoader.registerNodeType() methods of the jcr/base bundle.

Other than that, we don't have anything yet, unfortunately. In
particular there is no POST-request style mechanism.

But I could imagine that creating a SlingPostOperation for the
SlingPostServlet, which would make use of the node type definition
functionality available in the Jackrabbit API.

As I oftentimes say: Contributions would be very welcome ;-)



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