On 6 Jan 2009, at 07:19, Felix Meschberger wrote:

Hi Torgeir,

Torgeir Veimo schrieb:
Is it possible to request a script directly, eg. use a request such as
/apps/notes/html.esp, and make that script execute instead of being
returned as plaintext?

This is not currently possible (though the implementation would be
rather simple).

The problem is that we also support WebDAV on "/" through the Sling
WebDAV bundle. So, for WebDAV we might want to expect the script to be
returned as plaintext to be able to edit and modify it.

I could imagine two options: (1) we add a configuration setting, which
controls whether scripts are executed or not or (2) add a servlet to
handle a special extension, which would execute the script. I would
prefer this second option.

Maybe it could be possible to set a resource type, sling:Script on these, to allow execution? They could be edited if accessed through the /dav/ prefix.

Torgeir Veimo

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