Hi all,

first of all +1 for a restructuring. Separating the contrib stuff from
the main code, but still having the possibility to check out
everything in one place, makes a lot of sense. If more and more new
bundles come in (ala CookingEggServiceBundle), which won't be actively
maintained most of the time, Sling needs some rules and a good
location for those.

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 8:26 AM, Carsten Ziegeler <cziege...@apache.org> wrote:
> With this structure we give a clean sign what we really support and
> which parts we would like to support but may be are not able to. We can/
> will have release out of the contrib dir as well, but this are single
> module releases then and driven by community requests.
> We, Felix and I, also thought about doing something like:
> /sling/trunk - the maintained stuff
> /sling/contrib - the contrib stuff
> But this directory layout creates too much of a friction. People
> checking out Sling never see the Contrib stuff.

You are right, non-trunk stuff is quite hidden.

> We could also do
> something like
> /sling/trunk/"core" (I've no good name for this, so I just choose "core")
> /sling/trunk/contrib
> But this looks ugly from a directory layout perspective as well. So I
> think the current proposal is a best efforts.

I might look a bit ugly, but it gives a clearer separation, just as
felix put an empty line between the "core" stuff and contrib/examples
in his draft of the structure. The only way to do that in a folder
structure is to add a level. contrib would be in the middle of 11
other folders, and I personally favor a self-explaining directory

Instead of "core" (which is probably misleading a bit, as one expects
some kind of "core engine" there), here are some other ideas (pure
brainstorming, so please ignore the bad ones ;-)):

- main
- sling
- released
- framework
- heart

And some Google Set help for inspiration:

Just my 2 cents,

Alexander Klimetschek

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