I have a couple of cases where I want to import initial content from a
bundle. In my cases, it makes most sense to store the data as XML
files, and let XmlReader install it.
However, the XML format supported by XmlReader is a bit too verbose to
be practical in many cases.

At [1] Felix Meschberger writes:
> (1) Initial Content Loading
> ...
> The format support is currently hardcoded and only
> extensible by extending the bundle itself. Yet, there
> have been discussions on making this support extensible.

One easy way to get extensible format support, at least when speaking
of XML formats, is to let XmlReader look for a reference to an XSL
stylesheet in the XML file (<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"
href="stylesheet.xsl"?>). Alternatively, the XSL reference could be
specified in the Sling-Initial-Content manifest field.

stylesheet.xsl would then be responsible of translating the contents
of the XML file into the XML format supported by XmlReader.
XmlReader would then transform the XML file according to the XSL, and
process the resulting output as it would usually.

This would greatly simplify the task of working with initial-content,
as you could make up my own XML format that suits the content you're
writing, as long as you also write the XSL file.

So, what do you think? If you believe this is a good idea, I could
take a shot at implementing it.

[1] http://markmail.org/message/pedlbv6x6zyq5no6
Vidar S. Ramdal <vi...@idium.no> - http://www.idium.no
Akersgata 16, N-0158 Oslo, Norway

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