
J Aaron Farr schrieb:
> I was thinking tonight about sling and couchdb and how similar they are
> in many respects.  And this had me thinking about why couchdb is out of
> incubation and growing while we've had trouble building a community
> around sling.
> I think it might be in this team's interest to do a comparison between
> couch and sling and publish it.  Having people start to look at sling as
> a couchdb alternative for Java could be a very good thing.
> And if no one between the communities is talking yet, you should be.
> You're solving similar problems and perhaps there could be something
> learned between the two groups.
> Or maybe I'm totally off base and the sling committers consider sling
> completely different than couchdb, but if so, I'd be really interested
> to hear why.

I have to admit, that I don't know much more of couchdb, than that is
interesting and is an Apache project ;-)

But I would be interested to learn more (though my timing at the moment
does not permit much, unfortunately). Though, I think, Rory has provided
quite an interesting first run-down.

> oh, and I'll be mentioning and showing sling at my "Day of REST"
> training at ApacheCon Europe.

That is great. Thanks ;-) Since I cannot make it to the training, I
wonder whether the Slides would be available after the training ?


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