Hi Felix,

Felix Meschberger schrieb:
Andreas Hartmann schrieb:
Hi Sling devs,

the Dojo version currently shipped with Sling (1.1.0) is a bit outdated.
For instance it lacks the shiny new JsonRestStore [1].

Actually trunk has 1.1.1, but this is a detail ;-)

sorry – I had looked at the comment in pom.xml, I guess it hadn't been updated when Dojo was updated.

From my experience it is critical to just update to a new version,
though. I'm pretty sure some existing apps will break or at least look

Would it make sense to ship (i.e., download when Sling is installed)
multiple versions of Dojo? ATM the bundle resources (dojo, dijit, dojox)
are provided at root level. I guess we could just include the version in
the path:

    /dojo, /dijit, /dojox
    /dojo, /dijit, /dojox

Or should we use different OSGi bundles for this, so that the user can
decide which one to install?

Given the size of the Dojo downloadables (we are including dojo-src
right now), I would prefer a single version per bundle (version).

Also, currently we provide /dojo, /dijit and /dojox in the root (which
is probably not the best of all choices).

I have no preference to whether we include the version number in the
path or not. On the one hand it is of course good to see the version
available in the path.

On the other hand, if we have this version in the path, the scripts have
to be adapted on every update.

Maybe this can be simplified using placeholders or variables.

But then, multiple dojo bundles with
different bundle versions may be installed at the same time thus
providing multiple dojo versions at the same time, provided this is not
a problem from the dojo pov.

I guess it would be harmful to use different versions in the same application at the same time. But if you have multiple applications in one Sling instance, it could indeed be useful to run different Dojo versions in parallel.

Is anyone else interested in this subject? Or shall I just go ahead and create a JIRA issue with a patch suggestion?

-- Andreas

Andreas Hartmann, CTO
BeCompany GmbH
Tel.: +41 (0) 43 818 57 01

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