Hi Daniel,

> The property isn't there
> ** Resource dumped by StreamRendererServlet**
> Resource path:/content/mycontent
> Resource metadata: {sling.resolutionPathInfo=,
> sling.resolutionPath=/content/mycontent}
> ** Resource properties **
> title: My content title
> size:
> sling:resourceType: gad/mycontent
> jcr:primaryType: nt:unstructured
> cr:lastModifiedBy:
> jcr:createdBy:
> jcr:lastModified:
> But the other properties (lastModified, lastModifiedBy and createdBy) are
> there.

The problem is that "jcr:" properties are connected  to his own
nodetype. I mean, "jcr:created" is connected to "nt:hierarchyNode" [1]
and the other ones are connected to "nt:resource" [2]. In the other
hand, "jcr:created" and "jcr:lastModified" are dates, so you must
initialize them with a long (milliseconds).

If you want keep on using unstructured nodes yo are free to choose
another name for the properties. Another option would be defining your
own custom nodetype inheriting "nt:file" for instance. Have a look to
this [3].



[1] http://wiki.apache.org/jackrabbit/nt%3ahierarchyNode
[2] http://wiki.apache.org/jackrabbit/nt%3aresource

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