And if you don't want to do "remote" debugging and debug Slin in jetty you might follow the steps on this page .

I think I had to change the Program arguments to "jetty:run" instead of "jetty6:run" and in the classpath tab I added "[MAVEN_HOME]/boot/classworlds-1.1.jar" instead of "[MAVEN_HOME]/core/boot/classworlds-1.1.jar". But after that
I was able to start and debug Sling in Jetty.


Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 6:16 PM, Mike Müller <> wrote:
...What are the best practice by now:
- to debug sling (and self made bundles) with eclipse?...

I use remote debugging, starting Sling from the command-line with options like

java -Xmx384M -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE

And connect from Eclipse using a remote debugging session. There might
be more integrated ways, but that works for me.

To update Sling bundles, I use the  -P autoInstallBundle maven profile
defined in parent/pom.xml.

...- to explore/modify the jcr (webdav is not sufficent)...

Until we have a better solution, the JCR Explorer can help, I have
written a post on my blog [1] about how to connect it with Sling.



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