On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 9:11 PM, Aaron Zeckoski <aar...@vt.edu> wrote:
> ...mvn clean install -fbase/pom.xml
> mvndebug install -ftesting/pom.xml
> Perhaps not an ideal solution but for developing the launchpad and
> debugging it works well enough....

Note that you can run the launchpad/testing and
launchpad/contrib/testing tests individually, against a Sling instance
that's previously started - much faster than the above.

This is described under "Integration tests" in
launchpad/testing/README.txt - if you have a look please let me know
if the explanations are clear enough (or supply a patch ;-)

Basically, you start a sling instance as usual, and run "mvn test" in
launchpad/testing using mvn options to specify the port number of that
instance, and the (list of) tests to run. That should work from
Eclipse as well given the appropriate setup.

Bundles in the running Sling instance can be updated easily using mvn
-P autoInstallBundle, so that's quite a workable setup for debugging
integration tests, even if slower than running JUnit tests from


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