
I have written some perl[0] to test getting and setting permissions
on nodes[1] via the get ACL servlet, and the modifyAce.html. However,
if I set the permission jcr:read on one node for admin, then
subsequently set the jcr:modifyAccessControl on the same node for
admin and just end up with the last permission set rather than
both. Is this the intended behaviour, or should it have merged the
permissions together? The json I end up with is:


with no mention of the read permission...?

Best wishes,





SlingPerl$ perl content.pl -U http://localhost:8080 -a -D mergeTest -u admin -p 
Content addition to "mergeTest" succeeded!
SlingPerl$ perl authz.pl -U http://localhost:8080 -u admin -p admin -D 
mergeTest --read -P admin
Privileges on "mergeTest" for "admin" modified.
SlingPerl$ perl authz.pl -U http://localhost:8080 -u admin -p admin -D 
mergeTest -v
SlingPerl$ perl authz.pl -U http://localhost:8080 -u admin -p admin -D 
mergeTest --modifyACL -P admin
Privileges on "mergeTest" for "admin" modified.
SlingPerl$ perl authz.pl -U http://localhost:8080 -u admin -p admin -D 
mergeTest -v

--| Daniel Parry: dan...@caret.cam.ac.uk. www.caret.cam.ac.uk/ |--
"A consultant is a person who borrows your watch, tells you what
 time it is, pockets the watch, and sends you a bill for it."

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