Write access is a little less clear to me. I'd like to have a servlet
which handles json, xml or form POSTs for anything submitted to the path
of my ResourceProvider. I think I need to do this:

1. MyResourceTypeProvider implements JcrResourceTypeProvider
   - provider.roots = /my/resources
   - any node below the root is returned as resourceType my/Model,
otherwise return null

2. MyPostServlet extends SlingAllMethodsServlet
   - registered to handle nodes of type my/Model
   - override doPost() to handle data based on content-type
   - creates new database entries using MyService

That would allow the creation of a new database row by posting an
appropriate json or xml file to /my/resource/*.html . For the form data, I'd conform to the SlingPostServlet interface to remain compatible with
generic node editing.

Am I thinking about this correctly, or is their a more appropriate
Hmm not sure :) I guess your idea should work. Now, for updating db data it should already work if your resource is adaptable to PersistableValueMap.

For adding/deleting resources something like the above might work. We
are thinking of extending the resource provider interface to get
better support for these use cases. This is one of the topics for the
near future, so maybe we should start thinking about this (again) now :)

The PersistableValueMap seems like a good way to go. If I extend MyResourceProvider to allow creation of MyResources from a node, I should then consider adding a SlingPostProcessor instead, which would use MyResourceProvider.createResourceForNode(n) for any nodes created under /my/resource. I guess I'd have to undo any nodes actually created in the jcr since they'd be masked by MyResourceProvider. But, that would then get me round-trip node semantics.

For xml or json posts, I've noticed the OptingServlet interface, which is probably a better approach than trying to use the JcrResourceTypeProvider to assert a default resource type in an attempt to resolve the request to a POST servlet mapped to that type. I could then register my POST servlets as default resource type handlers, which only opt-in for post requests to the appropriate path and http content-type. Better, right?

Thanks for your advice,

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