> There is an issue with accented chars and the sling user manager.
> I do a web based interface for the nodes below /system/userManager.
> When I POST to createUser or updateUser, then accented chars are messed up
> in the server side authorizable resource: eg. the char "ü" becomes "ü". it
> looks to me like the servlet interprets the incoming data as single-byte
> latin-1, while it is in fact utf-8.
> I am quite sure this happens in the servlet: I made the form explicitly
> submit "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", and looking at
> the wireshark, thats whats happening. While two bytes go to the server, the
> value returned later is four bytes...
> Would you please look into this issue? Accented chars are not a problem with
> nodes in other paths of jcr/sling.

Hi Peter,

You can try with a hidden field of the name "_charset_" containing the
encoding in your form. Have a look at this [1].



[1] http://incubator.apache.org/sling/site/request-parameters.html

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