
I'm currently working on improving the script resolution in terms of
While looking at how it works today, I've discovered two problematic points:

1) Currently the scripts are searched by using the session of the
current request. Now, I think using the user session to search the
script is wrong. The content, the user requests, is already retrieved
with the user session and its the content (or the acl's on the content)
who define if the user is allowed to access something.
The script should always be executable (and I'm speaking of execution
not reading, writing etc.) for any user. This also matches the current
handling for scripts which are not stored in the repository like the
servlets or scripts contained in bundle resources.

Therefore I suggest to change the script resolution to use the admin

Btw, this would also make caching the script resolution easier as the
current approach requires the caching of the script resolution to be a
per user cache. With the changes from above the cache can be global.

2) Resource events

We need to implement https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-944 and
some extension of this to properly update the cache if scripts are
changed, added removed. As scripts can be coming from any data source
(jcr, file system, bundle, database etc.) we need a generic mechanism here.
For now I think we could start with OSGi events for
- Resource added, removed, changed
- Resource Provider added, removed


Carsten Ziegeler

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