Felix Meschberger wrote:
> I agree, that the behaviour of the Resource.getResourceType()
> implementation for the bundle resource and filesystem resource
> implementations is inconsistent.
> The filesystem provider returns "sling/fs/resource" as its super type.
> IMHO this is an interesting abstraction to apply common behaviour to
> filesystem provided resources.
> Therefore, I suggest we enhance the bundle resource provider to return
> "sling/bundle/resource" as the resource super type.
+1, I'll do the change.

>> I would change it
>> that if a resource does not know it's super type, it should return null.
> So it is currently implemented and defined, IIUIC.
No, see below.

>> So basically this effects the implementation of the jcr resource.
> So the JcrNodeResource returns the value of the sling:resourceSuperType
> property if set. If the property is not set, null is just returned. The
> JcrPropertyResource returns null immediately, since a property does not
> have a property.
No, the JcrNodeResource does the lookup of the resource type if it does
not have a super type atm.

> The servlet resolver should first do a Resource.getSuperType(). After
> that the resource type (or the resource super type) is used as the basis
> for the ResourceUtil.getResourceSuperType(ResourceResolver, String)
> method. Right ?
Yes, exactly.

> Consequently:
>   * ResourceUtil.getResourceSuperType(ResourceResolver, String) remains
>        as is resolving the resource super type as the supertype of the
>        resource type resource.

>   * ResourceUtil.getResourceSuperType(Resource) is removed, since it
>        brings no added value (it only has been added yesterday).
Yes, I thought this, too.

>   * JcrResourceUtil.getResourceSuperType(ResourceResolver, String) is
>        deprecated and is implemented calling the new
>        ResourceUtil.getResourceSuperType(ResourceResolver, String)
>        method.

>   * JcrResourceUtil.getResourceSuperType(Resource) is deprecated and is
>        implemented to call Resource.getSuperType() on the resource first
>        and then calling ResourceUtil.getSuperType(ResourceResolver,
>        resource.getResourceType()) as a fallback.

> Is that what you had in mind ?
With the addition that JcrNodeResource returns null for the super type
if it doesn't have the property.

> Regards
> Felix
>> Otherwise each resource implemenation should apply the algorithm to be
>> consistent. But I would prefer the first solution.
>> While the change is incompatible, I think this doesn't have any real effect.
>> WDYT?

Carsten Ziegeler

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