Well, James posted a few days ago and asked why I didn't 
post the No Records catalog and talk about No, so whomp
here it is, whomp, here it is....

No Records is a maritimes based cassette label which
concentrates on getting newer up and comers out on 
a quality platform, ie: good dubs, nice covers, 
something you feel good about spending $5.00 on.  To
date we have released 2 cassettes that by bnads from
Halifax, and one regional cassette, and one comp


NOC001  Chaz Rules - Tragic Mom EP              
                70's-esque guitar riffs combine
                with 90's pop sensibilities, leading
                to universal oohs and ahs.  "Rule they
                do!" EnGuard Quarterly.  Chaz broke up in
                June 1993, so only limited amounts of this 
                tape left.
NOC002  No Class - _A_Compilation_of_High School 
                Twelve young  up an coming acts that will
                define the next ten years of indy rock on 
                this coast.  Hip hop to grunge to hard core
                punk, from Halifax to St. Johns, NFLD, 
                "Provides the Music the kids want to hear" 
                Chronical Herald  
NOC003  Essen - Truckasaurus EP
                Featured on No Class, these 11 & 12 graders
                produce world class pop.  Summer days and
                teen angst provide fertile ground for catchy
                riffs and sweet and twisted lyrics.  Influences
                of the Blake Babies and Velocity Girl.  Six weeks
                #1 on Sam's Halifax indy chart!
NOC004  Madhat - Freak EP
                Also featured on No Class, these boys from Lunenberg
                are now getting into college and getting into
                the Deuce.  Recently featured with Sloan and Thrush 
                Hermit at that bars Kiss tribute, Madhat is on
                of the tightest bands around.  From Lunenberg, its
                hard to beleive that 4 joes from a fishing town can
                rock so hard.

Coming soon:

NOC005 Cool Beans Promo EP 
       featuring Ottawa's Len, Truro's Hip Club Groove, and Halifax's Zoltar 
       (formerly Chaz Rules_

NOC006 Donner Party Reunion
       halifax's premiere punk rock band..  nuff said?

Hope thats enough info for now, the last two can be bought at Halifax area
Sam's, Rm 201 Moncton, Backstreets St. John and Fredericton, Backally 
in PEI, Dischord and Taz in Halifax, and soon Madhat will be in 
all the maritime region Radioland stores.

All cassettes $5.00 + $1.00 S&H (money orders or concealed cash only!)

Snail Mail:
No Records
2639 Lorne Terrace
Hfx. NS.
B3K 3A8



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