Much, much better!  Kinda sucked last time out,
but that was as much due to lousy sound as anything else.
This time the sound was great, and Kim was nearly on tune
a lot of the time.  :-)  The set really rocked and people
were applauding this set quite freely...


        These guys put on their best show ever as well.
Many of you may not have heard of them but they are
Ericheads with a vengeance.  They were tighter and
cleaner while still preserving that lo-fi feel...


        Incredible.  Apocalyptic.  Their best show ever.
Man, if these guys break up it would be a terrible loss.
They got encored for the first ever (that I've seen, and
I've seen quite a few of their shows...).  They played
an audio track in the background, an old record from 
*The Six Million Dollar Man*... It added just the right
ambience.  :-)  Greg Clark, the manager of the Deuce,
came out from behind the bar and up closer to the stage,
to get a better look.  Greg was talking to Colin Mackenzie,
and Bubaipeople Chris and Tim were talking as well.  All
four had amazed looks on their faces.  One longtime Halifax
scene afficianado said to me that he thinks that H&H are
the best band in Halifax right now.  It was hard to argue
that last night.


James R. Covey         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        What syllable are you seeking,
.........................................        Vocalissimus,
Department of English                             In the distances of sleep?
Dalhousie University  Halifax, NS  B3H 3H5        Speak it.

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