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have look at _chart_ magazine for march '94...
there's a full page on thrush hermit.

there's also a two-page article about music
and the internet...  i was interviewed by
chris waters for that one, and the result is
a single sentence...  i quote...
        "A brand new Canadian list, announced
         in late 1993, will focus on SLOAN and
         the booming Halifax scene (see sidebar)."

unfortunately, the sidebar doesn't mention us!
so the article doesn't even tell them our email
address!!!  (not to mention, we started in _may_
1993...  oh well...)

_chart_ magazine, ladies and gentlemen.


James R. Covey        I've seen "Fever" and I've seen "Rain".
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   I've seen "Justify My Love" that I thought would never end
Department of English I've seen "Live To Tell" when I could not find a friend
Dalhousie University  But I always thought I'd see Madonna again.
Halifax, NS  B3H 3H5                                             - Rob Sheffield

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