Club may reopen in 10 days
Tim Arsenault, Halifax Herald, Wednesday, June 1, 1994

        Give him about 10 days and it'll be business
as usual, says the owner of the Double Deuce
        Alex Gillis said in an interview Tuesday that
once he's hired some new staff, cleaned the place up
and re-stocked the bar, the Hollis Street venue should
be back in the alternative music business.
        "I hope to keep the same type of clientele and
the same type of music," he said.
        The Deuce's doors were locked after a show
Sunday, with talent booker Greg Clark and most of the
staff suddenly quitting.
        While acknowledging that he and Clark had come
to a deadlock about a deal that would have seen Clark
eventually assume at least partial ownership of the
bar, Gillis said that recent events could not have
been predicted.
        "I was as shocked and surprised as anybody
that the bar was closed."
        Gillis said that he had not been satisfied for
some time with how the bar had been run from a fiscal
standpoint and has hired accountants to look over the
        "I guess I'm to blame for it all for being too
free and too trusting."
        While Clark indicated Monday that one of his
options was to return to the Deuce if an offer on the
table was accepted, Gillis didn't seem Tuesday to be
leaning in that direction.
        "I don't think there's very much room for
negotiations.  I could pursue legal action but I'm
going to think about that," he said.
        As for Clark, Gillis said, "He's got wonderful
dreams.  I admire guys who dream."
        Gillis was quick to quash the rumor that the
Deuce was going country.
        "I didn't think country music would work in
this bar.  That's just not the story."
        Clark said Tuesday that he's continuing to
look at his options and intends to stay in the live
entertainment industry.

     _                                  _     James R. Covey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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