Our Editor-in-Chief "James R. Covey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> checked out my 
research and suggested:

}andrew, i think that bit about the anchor landing
}in a churchyard is apochryphal, i don't think 
}that's where it landed.  there's a piece of wood
}sticking out of a wall in st. paul's church, 
}people say it's metal from a ship but it's actually
}wood from a windowsill.

I'm talking about a church on the northwest arm, somewhere around the 
Fleming Park.  I don't recall what church, and I must admit that I don't 
remember having ever seen said anchor, but I'm not making the story up.  
I think it's common lore, or maybe I read it in "The Town That Died" (I 
forget the author, not as well known as Hugh McLennan) as a kid.

}for anyone who likes to read, 

That excludes anyone who hangs out at the library :)  I have noticed 
that there is always a crowd of kids on the lawn at the main branch, but I 
have never seen one reading a book.  It paints a rather interesting 
picture of the aimlessness of GenX (or, some of these kids are so young, 
they should soon be calling them Gen XI).

BTW, anyone read the little blurb in Sunday's paper about a 14- and a 15-
year-old in New Jersey who killed themselves on the weekend in despair 
over Kurdt's death?  A little slow on the draw, aren't they?

}and yes the halifax explosion was *the* biggest
}manmade pre-hiroshima explosion, but you can't
}even find mention of it in many "standard" histories
}of north america, just one more reason why despite
}our hospitality we retain a certain cynicism around
}here about "people from away".   it really was *the*
}disaster of the 20th century in north america, and
}nobody knows about it...

I've never understood why our disaster story is not as interesting as 
America's countless earthquakes, tornados, forest fires, or even that 
stupid cow that burned down Chicago.  

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