the dec 94 "the year in music" issue of spin has a
feature called "10 best albums you didn't hear in '94."
they have a photo showing the covers of the ten albums
and a little description of each:

SLOAN, _Twice Removed_ (DGC).  Not only are (North)
American bands shellacking the Brits on modern-rock
radio nowadays, but between Guided by Voices and
Canada's Sloan, they're making even better British
records.  _Twice Removed_, this Halifax, Nova Scotia,
foursome's second record, is soaked in Beatlejuice,
then filtered through the same smarty-pants sieve
that worked for such nerds as Big Dipper a few years
back.  And though the album crash-lands halfway 
through, Sloan's indie-fueled Anglo pop gets well off
the ground.

     _James R. Covey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>_    sloan net is a discussion of the
 ___| | ___   __ _ _ __      _ __   ___| |_  halifax / east coast music scene
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