}hi... I can't really put the files on line because I only have a temp. 
}slip linkup, but if you'de like me to hold them on disk for you I'de be 
}more than happy too, since I have about 400 or so megs free :) but if ya 
}wantsomeone to hold them just let me know.. 

I've had 3 offers for that.  I can keep them on floppy if I needed storage 
space.  What I really want is to make them available to the list.

}BTW I think I might be able to find a ftp site for ya :)

Now we're talkin'!  Keep me posted!

}(709) 437-5551   |       Home Page at HTTP://www.cs.mun.ca/~asanford

Even if you could file them somewhere where people could get them from 
a link on your homepage.  See, I don't use WWW so I don't know much about 

Thanks again,

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