hey there...

someone was mentioning that tara was talking about how if you liked sloan 
youdlike wyzard..... well thats probably because me and mark have been 
goin on about them.. heres the scoop...

i was at this yard sale a few months back and i was flippin through a bin 
of used old records and low and behold amidst the alice cooper 
.scorpians and old sabbath records this dude had this record nby this 
band called wyzard.. and im goin what the fuck is this ridiculous 

anyhow i look inside and its beat to shit but inside it says copyright 
1972 metalfire records 144 pleasent st. dartmouth nova scotia etc etc...

im like woah!!! what is this weird find a metal band from dartmouth from 
the 70's.... so i bought it for 50 cents t9ook it home and listened away...

anyhow it rocks!!!! totally wicked old sabbathy maideny (pre maideny 
actually) ... anyhow its totally amazing.. its a concept album and 

anyhow it totally rules and deserves some kind of credit as a local 

so anyhow me and mark have been tossing Around the idea of looking the 
dudes up in the phonebook to see if theyre still in town... and were even 
thinking about trying to get their permission to try and reissue it on 
cassette as an historic piece of work!!...

anyhow things get a little weird at upon closer inspection of the album...

including :

engineered by:

jim "metal maniac" sloan !!!!


and how about on one of the songs they play this riff that i remember 
patrick noodling on on stage one time when i saw sloan play ...

anyhow there is some pretty weird stuff on this album... and it wouldnt 
surprise me if one of the sloan boys had stumbled across it much in the 
same fashion as myself... 

anyhow scaryer still is in the catalogue of wyzard albums there's one 
called people of the sun ... i dont know but its pretty eerie...

anyhow the moral of the story is that this album totally rules and with 
or without the bands permission we may dub off a couple of copies... 

anyhow if you find it or the aformentioned people of the sun album pick 
them up!!!! 

does anyone else out there know anything more?



"merlin ..the wyzard is born!" wyzard...overture (the wyzard is born)

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