Hello all you wacky sloannetters.
Today (Saturday) was the day of 89X's *Free* Birthday bash, featuring a whole
buncha bands.I just got back now, at 10:40, after staying there for the bulk
of the day; leaving at 12:00. The whole thing was held At the phoenix
ampitheatre, which is a wacky place.  The building itself is A parking
structure.  On the roof, there's all sorts of grass and trees and junk, And a
stage type thing.  It was a really neat place.  Anyway, we arrived at 1:00,
and doors opened at two. Somewhere along the way, I realized that I had
forgotten My camera. 
"DRAT" I said.  anyway, we found a tree to take cover from the sun under, and
sat down to wait. We had brought pretzels and pop and other stuff, and when
we got to the stairs leading up, they said "No food or beverages", but when I
got to the guy who searched my back-pack fer contraband (like I look really
threatening :)) he let the food in, but made me dump the pop.  After we got
up to the roof, we passed by the T-shirt booth, and there weren't any
Hardship Post shirts, so I asked the guy working there if he was gonna get
any, and he said, I don't think they're even Here yet. Ulp. Not good.  The
first band to play was a local "Ska" act, Jack Kervorkian's Suicide Machines
who royally sucked. Their only redeeming qualities were that their lead
singer had a "Star Wars" T on, and that their Bass player was really good.
Other than that, they were worthless. They kept making fun of 89X and being
all around "PUNK ROCK".
They'd make all the
-punk-rock-enough-to-talk-to-me kids to yell "Fuck alternative radio" they
were real
Ass-holes, and they couldn't even back up their Idiot Ideals with good music
'cause they sucked. A lot. The only words their singer said that I could
understand were "Fuck alternative Radio" ,"you guys don't really listen to
89X do you?", and "they'll never let us play one of these again".  I couldn't
understand one word he uttered during their songs.
Next up Was Rusty, Who opened up for thrush hermit last month at the shelter,
And they Did Indeed Rock!  At first all people did was stand there and
listen, until they said, "what aren't you guys allowed to have fun?" and that
must be like a
esn't-care-as-long-as-they-play-fast-and-loud-person Battlecry, 'cause they
all descended onto the area and started beating the shit out of each other,
so we being the wimps that we are sat on the grassy knoll behind the mass of
afore mentioned Idiots.They were very good, Although I must admit, Their
"Radio Song" Is about all I had heard from them before today.  Next came
"paul K and the weathermen, but I didn't watch them, cause I was thirsty, and
I needed a potty break.  Anyhow, Hardship Post Came next, and they rocked the
house (roof).  They asked how many people had heard of them, and about Ten
people raised their hands.  "We're far away from our home" they said. Indeed.
 Mike pick started out on guitar, and sebastion on bass.  They opened with
New Wave, and once the lyrics kicked   
in, we were the only ones singing along, And we got a lot of puzzled looks
like "You've heard of them before?!". By the time the second song was
half-way over with, the all too familiar brigade of Idiot's had come in and
started their kinky dance called the "Beat each other shitless until some one
dies or breaks a few bones". I got separated from my little group and pushed
into the MIDDLE of their little Mosh Pit by some overeager jocks anxious to
indulge in contact with other muscle bound idiots. After the song was over,
Sebastion said " Hey, Slam dancing is passe " (how the hell do you type
{phonetic spelling} Pass-a?), and I gave hima hearty "right-on!",  as if to
say "right-on!". They played about Three songs when Mike broke the Low E
string on the guitar (Nice fender amps and geee-tar), and as Sebastion went
to change it, Mike picked up the bass And amused the crowd by balancing it on
his foot and feeding back as much as possible.  Later on in the set, there
was a buzz of "hey I've heard this before" over the crowd when they played
watchin' you. All In all, It was a short set, and they didn't play "my secret
life" (DAMN!). As soon as their set ended
We rushed up to the stage, and  Tried to talk to sebastion, But DJ vince
conova was all over him and he could only answer our questions with hand
  Next we skipped big block, and as we were walkin' around, I picked up one
of those little handbills off the ground, Out of boredom, and was shocked to
find that the Sub Pop "Human touch tour with H.P. and Zumpano is ALL AGES!!
Heck yea! But alas, it is on july 14th, anight we are supposed to play some
local music festival. Hmmmm... I'll finagle a way to see it. Next Hum played,
And they were *very good* albeit loud. they arrived late, so the band that
was slated to play after them only got like a 15 minute set and were pretty
steamed.  Then came Silverchair, abuncha aussie prettyboys who I don't care
much for. I wandered off to take a Pee Pee, I returned, and after awhile, my
friend spotted seb and mike walking around, we tried to Catch up with them,
but lost them in a pack of angry angst-mongers. I had had about enough of
austrailian wailing (the worst part is, Hp only got 50 minutes to play, but
silver chair got like 1 and 1/2 hours. ummm.... why?) so I went over to the
security line where all the autograph hounds were waiting, and Mike Pick
walks out, and starts commenting on how good silverchair are. Umm.. whatever.
How good can you be  with lyrics like "your Late foe the EXECUTION!! followed
by 7.5 minutes of unitelligeable austrailian screams.. Anyway, I ask him if
they brought any T shirts that everybody says are so neet-o and he says nope.
Damn. He signs the little flyer for the human touch tour I found earlier.
This guy has THE most illegible writing on earth. I have no idea what it
says, but it sure as hell isn't "Mike Pick".  We are now officially bored.
 Our ride doesn't come fer another 2 hours.  We wander around the Unexplored
regions of the rooftop, And find Sebastion sitting on the grass of the off
limit's area.  He seems *very* reclusive.  He doesn't say more thana couple
words, answering everything with nods and hand gestures.  Either he's very
reclusive or He thought we were insane and stalking him, which we probably
were, But when you're such a groovy guy (<-- Direct weird al quote) what do
you expect.  I won't bore you with any more details than I already have,
except thet On the way out, by the T-shirt stand, Rusty had finished figuring
their T-shirt income on the back of their set list, and pitched it, and I
snagged it. Hell yea, I be slick.  Geez, If only I was paid by the word to do
this. AdamWeezer  sorry about the length, but when I get going, I can't stop.
don't kill me. please

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