I wish Mark Mullane would forward his own stuff here, but anyway I thought 
you'd like this "official, unbiased report"

--Andrew (siglessboy)

                              The Morning Line
                      News And Views From Nova Scotia
Date: 04/05/95

YOU'RE ON CANDID CAMERA: The Downtown Business Commission plans to put an
end to downtown postering. City crews filled seven garbage bags full of
posters from telephone poles and walls around the city. Posters range
anywhere from concerts, theatre performances and non-profit organizations
to university speakers. Janice Manders, executive director of the Downtown
Business Commission, argues the posters are an eyesore -- and that hiring
city crews to clean them up is a waste of time and money. Martin Janowitz,
executive director of the Clean Nova Scotia Foundation, says in order to
catch the perpetrators they would have to be out on the streets with video
cameras. DAILY NEWS P3

[Most of the gig ads get replaced weekly, don't they?  I don't see the 
problem here--APR]
ZEDD RECORDS RELEASE NEW SPINE SINGLE: There's a new kid on the block (so
to speak) in the independent record label scene in Halifax. Zedd Records
will kick off its debut release by local rockers Spine at the Birdland
Cabaret this Friday, April 7. The Spine single, called "Monster," will be
in record stores soon. Zedd Records plans to release four singles a year.
Cleveland Steamer and Greyhound Tragedy will open the show.

[Hmmm, this single name doesn't match James' reported single name?!?--APR]
"Who would suspect that in this region with its Scandinavian charm, you
could find Caribbean-style beaches (as in Port Mouton) and that it's here
that they hold the world record of potato chip eating ( which isn't hard to
figure out when looking at the local girls)?"
-- writer Wolfgang Rohl in the German weekly magazine Stern's recent
article on Nova Scotia.
NOVA SCOTIA IS A DUMP: A German magazine has published a thoroughly
unflattering article about Nova Scotia as a potential tourist attraction.
In fact, Stern  magazine says Nova Scotia is a "dump" and people here are
"lazy" and "backward." In the past, the magazine has published Hitler's
diaries -- which turned out to be false, as well as pictures of Madonna's
breasts. CBC RADIO NEWS 7:30 AM

[Oh, like we haven't seen Madonna's breasts before!
I think maybe their reporter vacationed in Sackville?? --APR]
TODAY'S EDITORS: Claudette Germain, Stuart Golfman, Jamie MacDougall, Mark
Mullane, Steve Sutherland

CO-ORDINATOR: Jennifer Partridge

THE MORNING LINE is written and produced weekdays, excluding holidays,
during the academic term by students in the J2001 course at the University
of King's College School of Journalism in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
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