Hey, all. 
I'm presently beginning work on my own music 'zine, which will be called
POPAGANDA. It'll be mostly, if not all, Canadian-oriented. Since everyone is
signing off for the summer, I thought I'd put out the call now: anybody who
wants to contribute record or show reviews, interviews, info, or any
pointless-but-funny crap :), is welcome to mail me stuff. The first ish is
going to be photocopied, and will have a small circulation (a couple of
hundred maybe?) Later, who knows? I have an Ian Blurton (the singer from CoH,
for those few who don't know :)... ) interview on tape, and will hopefully
soon have a Rheos one too. 
Anyway, *rawk* bands I love include:
Sloan (duh), Change of Heart, Rheostatics, hHead, the Hip (OK, so they're not
*cool*. Shoot me.), treblecharger, the Odds,Lowest of the Low (I was obsessed
with them), Doughboys, Superfriendz, Hardship Post and Thrush Hermit (more
amazing ECB's! there's yr east coast content:) )
                                etc. etc. etc. etc.
Like I said, I'll welcome reviews, commentary, anything! So write something,
if you're not busy writing for another 'zine done by some 'Tara' chick :),
and get in touch!

If any of this is of interest to you, please email or write me:
3 Falling Leaf Ct.
Aurora, Ont.
L4G 6K6

        an occasionally published 'zine discussing the Toronto and Canadian
music scene
                        contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PS. Apologies to all for the limited Sloan.net content.

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