hiya :)

since i've had the cd for close to a week now, this is my feeble attempt at
reviewing Thrush Hermit's _the Great Pacific Ocean_, available now through
that crazy record company ;) murderecords.  i don't know how to review
albums, since i don't know any rawk musical terms...anyway, here it goes!

_The Great Pacific Ocean_ is, overall, a great album, and more 'quiet' than
_Smart Bomb_ but not lacking any energy *at all*.  it's short (little over 20
minutes), so i'm anxious to hear a full length album by these guys.

1.  'The Great Pacific Ocean'
- musically, there really isn't anything overwhelming
- simple intro and verses building up to a climactic <sp?> chorus (i.e.  it's
calm and gets loud at the chorus)

2.  'Every Morning I Reread the Postcards'
- there's a smooth transition from the previous track to this one
- steady beat, rawkin' guitars
- verse 2 (of 3) has less insturmentation, but builds back up towards the
- catchy guitars :)

3.  25 All Right
- almost like a sweet catchy pop/rock song (in a *good* way)
- the chorus is hard to forget :) (..repetition of 'it'll be all right'..)
- overall, no real loud guitars; relatively simple instrumentation

4.  Patriot
- i like the lyrics, especially the chorus with its comparisons (paradoxes?)
("On one station I'm a champion/On another I'm unknown:)
- not that loud of a song...

5.  Claim to Lame
- the loudest track ;) ; really rawkin'!!
- distorted vocals
- kinda reminds me of another thrush hermit song.. can't remember which one..

6.  The Great Pacific Ocean (Reprise)
- like the first track, it is quiet at first,, and then buildsup at which
point it really rawks!.. and then builds down
- nice guitar work!

.well, that's my review... hope you found it.. insightful!?  anyways, later
                        ...sizzle teenhiya :)

since i've had the cd for close to a week now, this is my feeble attempt at
reviewing Thrush Hermit's _the Great Pacific Ocean_, available now through
that crazy record company ;) murderecords.  i don't know how to review
albums, since i don't know any rawk musical terms...anyway, here it goes!

_The Great Pacific Ocean_ is, overall, a great album, and more 'quiet' than
_Smart Bomb_ but not lacking any energy *at all*.  it's short (little over 20
minutes), so i'm anxious to hear a full length album by these guys.

1.  'The Great Pacific Ocean'
- musically, there really isn't anything overwhelming
- simple intro and verses building up to a climactic <sp?> chorus (i.e.  it's
calm and gets loud at the chorus)

2.  'Every Morning I Reread the Postcards'
- there's a smooth transition from the previous track to this one
- steady beat, rawkin' guitars
- verse 2 (of 3) has less insturmentation, but builds back up towards the
- catchy guitars :)

3.  25 All Right
- almost like a sweet catchy pop/rock song (in a *good* way)
- thr chorus is hard to forget :) (..repetition of 'it'll be all right'..)
- overall, no real loud guitars; relatively simple instrumentation

4.  Patriot
- i like the lyrics, especially the chorus with its comparisons (paradoxes?)
("On one station I'm a champion/On another I'm unknown:)

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