yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! :) :) :)

guess what kiddies? sloan will be in the
m u c h  m u s i c  e n v i r o n m e n t
tomorrow, between 3:30 and 4:00 pm. *if*
sook-yin was telling the truth. but why
would she lie? im just baffled that those
boyos are making a tv appearance. :) why
does this message look like this? answer:
cos im a jamesy c wannabe from the t to
the d to the c. :) so...watch yr tv very
*closely* tomoprrow and if you are LUCKY
enough to live near TO, then _BY GOD_ haul
it on down to the station and stalk those 
haligonians! ;) ;) ;) kidding. at *least* 
go press your nose up to the big glass wall
and smile and watch them. :) surprisingly
enough, and much to my dismay, i have 
ingested absolutely no sugar today, so
dont ask. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
just high on pre-edgefest mania. :) :) :)

REMEMBER: mushmusic tomorrow. 3:30 -4:00 or
somewhere around then. SLOAN SLOAN SLOAN. :)

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
all my love,
tara :)

WAIT!! IMPORTANT!! does anyone have jon bartlett's phone number at the
camp where he is working? please? it would be **greatly** appreciated.
also: anyone talk to nina lately(in the past week?)? i havent seen/spoke
to her since a very unfortunate incident ended our lollapalooza day and i
really hope she got back to camp ok......same for jon......

thanks bunches. :) :) :)

"The smile that you send out...
   returns to you." :)
-Indian Wisdom

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