Anyone mind if I gush a bit?  B/c I really can't do any kind of a 
real review of Edgefest... I didn't arrive til just after the 
Killjoys came on (and it puzzles me that both times I've seen them 
they played that song from "Grease") and they were ok...
   I was planning to go meet all the Sloan people at the murder booth 
as designated but everyone sort of came to me...probably b/c Tara DC 
was sitting only two seats away from me :).  And Adam Rodenhiser was 
behind us...and Alex B. came and sat in front of us... and I ran into 
Jason Cumming...and I got to briefly meet Carol, D'arcy, 
was kind of weird but very cool nevertheless (of course everyone must 
have thought i was a freak in that long dress o' mine left over from 
the wedding).
   treble charger played a good set, but I felt like it was really 
short...was it just me? They came out in wigs and stuff...did a bunch 
of newer songs...
    13 Engines didn't do all that much for me; I was sort of 
surprised at how many more songs of theirs I knew than I thought I 
would...maybe I was just a wee bit impatient b/c I wanted the Fab 
Four to start...
   Now I've never seen Sloan live before (and maybe never will again..
. :( ) but they were absolutely amazing...really fun, and they played 
almost all *my* favourites..."Same old Flame", "I am the Cancer", 
"Penpals", "Bells On" <--- they made my year by doing this one...
truly.  And then (I think) it was the Local Rabbits who came on and 
did a funky little background dance during "Coax Me", and as a sort 
of exit I suppose a bunch of backstage/band people wound around the 
stage doing the bunny hop to "I hate my Generation"...and it was sad 
when it ended.
                                                       Still reeling,


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