On Wed, 9 Aug 1995, SHANAN KURTZ wrote:

> hey everyone,
>   Well, I've just gone through the whole stack of letters concerning 
> Sloan's "breakup" and such...and I'm just a little curious as to how 
> their demise is going to affect this list...I mean the sloannet is 
> obviously an interesting forum for discussion of other bands, etc, 
> but is it going to be called 'the sloannet' forever?    Votes for a 
> name change? ;)

As I'm assuming the common cencessus (sp?) will be, I'm against a name 
change.  Common interest in the band Sloan brought this list together, 
and it has evolved into an east-coast thing over time.  The list is still 
the same...there just might be less (or more depending on how you 
consider it) discussion on Sloan itself.  


 ___ _____  ___   ___ _  __ | Shawn Stackhouse                     | _ __/|
/ __|_   _|/ _ \ / __| |/ / | Faculty of Mathematics / 3B ActSci   | \`O.o'
\__ \ | | |  _  | (__| ' <  | University of Waterloo               | =(_ _)=
|___/ |_| |_| |_|\___|_|\_\ | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |    U

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