hi me and tara duh (ha ha!) were sorta talking about this hell project of 
ours, the sloan tribute tape, and i think that if there's anyone out 
there who is dead serious and wants to do a song for it, they should 
contact one of us (tdc is at [EMAIL PROTECTED]) cause  man, the 
tapes are coming in REALLY slow. about as quick as molasses. oh ha ha.
so it's like first come first serve. if you want to be on it, hurry up. 
if you promised to send a song send it. god. it's like the middle of 
august. if you want to be on it, just talk to us and tell us what song 
you want to cover. as long as you're SERIOUS and will get it done oh say 
before Christmas. nag nag nag.

come on, we got a really cool title and everything now!!! NOBODY knows it 
except us and man, it's just dying to be displayed in finer record stores 
everywhere. As if.

hurry up, fools. before david geffen finds out.

and if you owe money ie/ you're in a band, send it, 
fools. augh. what were we thinking???? all jon had to do was make dumb 
shirts. yeesh. :) :) :)

oh yeah, and buy the state champs single, daydream records makes you feel 
like sunshine only not quite as hot and you probably won't cause skin cancer.
S T A T E  fuckin' C H A M P S, man!!! 

morally against weddings,

"do you have anything *approaching* vegetarian??"
                           - chris murphy, friend to boys who drink milk


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