>This is no case of prejudice! If I were NOT to buy a record because it 
>was on a certain label, or because I didn't like the singers hair or 
>because there was a girl playing bass, THAT would be prejudice. Buying a 
>record because you like the appearance or presentation of a band is an 
>everyday occurrence. 

Hey. I'm all for spontaneous record purchases too! The point I am trying to
make is that if you are in a band that can only gain a reputation because
it is on a certain label, as is the case with some sonic unyon acts, then
the music (which is what you're buying, isn't it?) is getting attention for
something it's not. 

I learned a long time ago not to buy a album because of its cover. Sure,
you can find some good albums with good covers, but you can also find
rotten albums with good covers, and great albums with rotten covers. The
same thing is true for most everything: hair, cover, record label, etc. The
only way you can determine if the music you buy is good is to actually
listen to it. Otherwise, you might as well randomly pick records of the
shelf. Sure, you'll find some good ones that you might not otherwise
discover, but why not be sure? It's your money, and they're your ears. 

I'm not suggesting that you should only buy music that you hear on the
radio, or that you can get someone to play for you beforehand. It makes
perfect sense to pick up a Boredoms record if you've seen pictures of them
hanging out with Sonic Youth, just as it makes sense to pick up an
Esquivel! record because it shares a title with a stereolab album. The
things you have to watch out for are the superficial things about a band,
like their appearance and packaging. These are the things controlled not by
the people who make the music, but the people who will do anything to make
the album look attractive enough for you to buy. As we have grown up being
blasted in the head by advertising, we rarely realize how vulnerable we

Jelly-tots in mouth, 
Coca-Cola in brain, 


pobox458                                 "hold on a minute, kid."
fonthillontario                           -sandy from tristan psionic
L0S1E0                                    as i attempt to give him one of
sendstamps!receivezines!                  my zines two years ago. 


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