Sunburnt Kat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> noted

}> WALK RIGHT OVER ME from _Mood Ring EP_
}> [chorus]...
}> and you walk right over me
}> and because I'm just not dead
}hmmm....I always thought that last line was something like "is it 'cause 
}I'm just nineteen?"...I think that fits with the time when it recorded and 
}the "little guy" theme of the song. Seb is pretty difficult to hear 
}sometimes (I've always found his vocalizations a bit of a challenge:)
}Ican'tbelieveIspentalldayshootingatcansonTancookIsland......sunburnt kat

    Yeah, we went out to "The Island" and passed the gun around in 
celebration of Adam "Fan From Hell" Rodenzinger hitting the big 2-0!  He's 
now no longer a slacker teen, but a slacker adult.  And he got a big kick 
on the drive to Chester out of the Absolutely Nothing tape I bought him. 
    So he's no longer "just nineteen" (but he is "just not dead"??)

}PS thrush hermit are not playing in windsor (don't know what I was 
}thinking:)...they're at birdland tonight with the there 
}for lots of  goofy guitar poses & rawk fun (anderw will be asking for 
}steve miller covers but I don't think it will happen...)

Hey, it happened.  It was one of the few things about the show that woke 
me up (great show, I was just tired, sunburnt, and in the early stages of 
a seasonal head cold).  That and the sweaty Chinstraps drummer who kept 
ducking under the railing to run back and forth to the dancefloor.  He 
kept rubbing past my leg like a wet sheepdog.  Yecch!  Ever fall asleep 
and wake up because the dog's licking you??

PS Kat was an excellent shot for a .22 virgin.  Perhaps it was the target 
that made her aim so deadly.

PPS the sight was off such that we tended to shoot high and left of centre. 
No joke!

PPPS I'm looking forward to seeing Potmaster and "Cat Racket" open for 
Mystery Machine.  Hope Birdland fixes their ads before Kat Rocket show up 
for the gig :)

(too busy at work to have replied sooner)

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