Hello. I got th' new AP today, and there are write-ups on both thrush hermit
and Hardship post. Since it's late and I can't sleep I am gonna type 'em out.
 Here goes:

Thrush Hermit
"All bands should be unstoppable brick walls that you can't climb over or get
through." states Joel Plaskett, Vocalist/Guitarist/Songwriter for Halifax,
Nova Scotia's Thrush Hermit, on the eve of their summer tour. Pretty
menacing, Huh? Well if you're not convinced, consider that the group's fourth
EP "The Great Pacific Ocean" (Muderecords) was recorded in a whirlwind two
days with Steve Albini, And you *Know* he wouldn't work with a *Pop* group,
Well...Let's just say that Thrush Hermit have never been compared to Rapeman
(?).  In fact, the four piece, Joel, co-vocalist/guitarist/songwriter Rob
Benvie, Bassist Ian McGettigan, and drummer Cliff Gibb- are closer to great
pop groups like the raspberries, Redd Kross, and labelmates Sloan, But with
their own unique energy and attitude. 
"we model ourselves after very classic things," admits Joel, "because the
best bands are just a twist on the same idea of power, the ability to
Which is where the unstoppable brick wall and Thrush Hermit's plan for world
domination come in.
"Sometimes, you come across awesome bands that are such forces that they
can't be moved, you have to change your roof altogether (?). If we could be
that, you know... watch out." -robert cherry

Hardship Post
Somebody Spoke
An interesting, If not completely engaging debut (?) from this Halifax, Nova
Scotia Trio.  Hardship Post work within that Hallowed Genre known as new
wave.  No, not that new wave of new wave stuff that's being hawked by the
ever-resilient Brits; We're talking the real vintage thing here.  Taking
their cues from the early works of Elvis Costello and Joe Jackson, but
filtering it through more recent infleunces such as Nirvana, This group
crafts sparse, dry pop songs which, although competently executed, lack real
hooks.  In fact, during the course of "Somebody Spoke"'s eleven tracks it
becomes painfully apparent that they also lack the humane insight of
Costello, the suave charm of Jackson, and the sheer bluster of Nirvana. Which
leaves the listener with an Inoffensive and far from memorable set of songs.
 Better luck next time, guys. -noah slankard
Ok, if you're still reading, I have got a question.
I read that guy's post about Hp's lineup turmoil.  Does this mean they aren't
gonna still be on the human touch tour?  Will someone else drum?


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