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Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1995 13:51:48 -0300
Subject: Surgery a success!

Chick underwent his surgery yesterday.  It was a total success.  This was at
least 2 weeks earlier than the doctors originally thought would be possible
due to his rapid physical recovery.  Physically, he is (relatively speaking)
in great shape!  Only his loss of short term memory (and shaved head) would
indicate what he's been through.  Already, his short term memory is coming
back.  His sense of humor remains keen as ever.  All in all, he's in great
shape and would appear to be one of the luckiest people walking the planet
Thanks so much to everyone who has so willingly shared their strength and
support.  No one can tell me that what you can't see isn't there.  Thanks to
everyone for being there. 
Here's the hospital address, again, no visitors please or flowers.  He's
still in ICU right now to recover from the surgery.

Chick Graning, Room 658
Rhode Island Hospital
593 Eddy St.
Providence, RI  02903

Also, for those of you in NYC, don't forget Joyce's acoustic shows next week:
 Aug. 1-Sine/Aug. 4-Biblios.  Thanks to all you people in Boston for
supporting the two there.  Passing the hat raised about $1300 for that laptop
fund.  Anyone still interested in contributing can make your check payable to
Scarce, 138 Duane St., NY, NY  10013.  Write laptop fund at the bottom and we
will include your name on the card when we give it to him.  Thanks.

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