arrived at about 11:30 to find that the american hermit (apparently 
thrush hermit minus ian?) had already played (wow an early show at 
birdland!:) the chinstraps were fantastic, kind of a purple 
knight/bubaiskul screaming lyrics filled with dry humor ("i hate 
get-togethers!") over HUGE drum sounds. and what was with that sign on 
stage? (an eagle in flight with "the chinstraps" in xtra lrg letters)? 
one of those "my what a massive sound for just 2 people" things...:)
 jale were good but the sound was a little muddy. the new songs are very 
sombre though the audience seemed to respond well (after the obligatory 
mucheast audience shots had already been filmed duh:) to the older stuff 
(they don't play much of that, i remember 3 days) & songs fr the closed 
ep (double edge). oh yeah and shant drank champagne with eve while adam & 
i were busy giving pieces of his birthday cake away:) to sloannetters & 
local celebrities (matt clarke who'd just celebrated a b-day on wed 
seemed esp happy to receive some, apparently he's helping peter rowan 
(fellow cake recipient) with pop exp things & there will indeed be all 
ages shows yayy! he's also practicing with a new band now 
too!...superfriendz matt murphy & temp chris also recd cake as did jenny 
pierce & not 1 person complained about hair :) (tho some1 did lick the knife)
 ewwwwwh! sweet dreams to you all..........................kat

PS shanan thanks oh so much for the tape! the interviews are hilarious!
& d'arcy i'll be in touch with details & stuff... 

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