mike g>>>the coast sched says they are playing birdland at 6.

me>> um, mike, i think this has been mentioned on sloan net already,
me>> but all-ages shows in bars have been banned.

mike g>strange that the coast AND birdland forgot about this.
mike g>no printed sched mentions the gravitee club. the web site does't either.

actually, if you'll turn in your pop explosion guide to page 18,
it's there that they admit that at printing time they were still
trying to find another venue.  if you look at the map, there's
a "cut and paste" marker for venue #4, that has yet to be 

mg>call me stupid for putting my faith in the organizer's schedule.
mg>mike hears the deafening bellows of "STUPID!!!!"

looking back on how i phrased myself, i'm sorry if it sounded
like i was being condescending.  i said "um" because i'm really
*not sure* if that "all ages shows banned" thing has come up on
sloan net or if it's just something i've talked about with people.

sorry about that.

all ages shows banned from bars in nova scotia.  discuss.

james :-)

     _James R. Covey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>_    sloan net is a discussion of the
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