I know what u mean about bands having a hard time with this stuff...w
ell i'm in  a band... just listen:

I got into this place Terminal 2 free last night and it was Indian
Dancing Night (i saw the manager he had a turban and stuff) which is ok
right, but NO ONE CAME. ther ewas a point where like 5 people came and
then left. it was so sad. now, if they had had BANDS on saturday instead
of indian dancing night they woulda made way more money! the only reason
i was there was for some uh... beverages ;)
So this place only has bands on sundays, which SUCKS, cuz thats homework
day and also day-b4-school-day and people who still have to LISTEN to
their parents usually end up missing most of the headliner.
what did one vampire say to the other ? YOU SUCK! well i guess they
might say BITE ME! too....



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